Let’s Scan Your…

Rice Sample With
Grain Scan


Grain Scan is Pakistan’s first-ever AI-enabled Rice quality testing device that has made the lengthy and labor-inducing process of evaluating the quality of every single grain of rice effortless and affordable in terms of time and labor.

Pakistan 1st Ai-Based Rice Quality Analyzer


To provide grain industry state of the art technology that ensures fast & accurate operations of quality assurance hence saving the resources and adding value to the grain business.


Our mission is to ensure that artificial intelligence systems (AI) that outperform humans in most of the economically valuable work—benefit all of humanity. We have attempted to build an affordable and efficient Rice quality analyzer that assists in increasing the export quality of rice in Pakistan. It will also fulfill our mission if our work aids others to achieve this desirable outcome.


Average Grain Length
Average Grain Width
Whole Grain
Broken Grain
Long, Medium & Small Grain
Weighted Percentage
Weight of the Sample
Aspect Ratio

How It Works!

A manual quality check took approximately 1 hour to analyze 10 grams of Rice grain sample using analog equipment’s i.e. Vernier Caliper,  Weight Machine, Magnifier and other tools.

Now through our Grain Scan device, workers need only place a specified amount of rice on the surface of the scanner to be evaluated place. 

It is time-saving, gives accuracy results up to 99%.

The device identifies different features which will facilitate the exporters in terms of money by improving quality inspection and decreasing human error and is a one-time investment.


Have a look at the demo video for better understanding of our product.